Design of Cross Regulator Using Khosla's Theory
Read this article to learn about the twelve design principles for cross regulator and distributary head regulators.
(i) Crest level of the cross regulator should generally be kept in level with the upstream bed level of the canal. Some times from economic considerations the canal section is flumed at the regulator site to reduce width of the concrete floor. In such cases the crest may be raised little above the bed level. A sloping glacis and a cistern in such a situation is necessary on the downstream side of the crest.
(iii) Crest level of a distributary head regulator is generally kept 0.3 to 1.0 m higher than the bed level of the parent channel (or crest of cross regulator). A sloping glacis with 1 in 2 slope is provided on the downstream to connect the downstream floor.
(iii) The waterway required in case of cross regulators and distributary head regulators is obtained from a hydraulic formula used for determining the discharge over a submerged or a drowned weir because water level on either side of the crest is above the crest level. Since the velocity of approach is generally small, neglecting the head due to velocity of approach the formula applicable will be
In the above equation first part gives the discharge through the free portion and the second part gives discharge through submerged portion which is similar to discharge through submerged orifice.
In the above equation:
Q = discharge over crest in cumec
L = length of waterway in m
H1 = depth of water over crest in the u/s in
H2 = depth of water over crest in the d/s in m
h = difference in water level (H1 – H2) causing the flow in m
(It is also = u/s FSL – d/s FSL)
Cd1 = 0.577 and is a constant, and
Cd2 = 0.80 and is another constant
(iv) Regulation of discharge is done by providing gates. Depending upon the height of shutters and convenience of working they may be provided in one length or in two tiers.
(v) A downstream sloping glacis where required can be given 2:1 (Horizontal: Vertical) slope. In this case also glacis is provided upto such level that under extreme condition the hydraulic jump occurs before the toe of slope. This is the level at which d/s horizontal impervious floor is laid.
Where the above relation gives value of downstream floor level more than the bed level of the canal, the d/s floor level may be taken to be equal to the bed level there
(vi) The impervious horizontal floor or cistern length beyond d/s sloping glacis may be taken to be 5 times the height of the jump i.e., 5 (D2-D1). It however, should not be less than 60% of the total impervious floor length.
(vii) Since uplift pressures and piping are important considerations in these structures also suitable cut-offs on the upstream and downstream should be provided.
As a rule of thumb following depths for cut-off may be sufficient:
(viii) Knowing the depth of downstream cut-off total length of impervious floor can be obtained from the knowledge of the safe hydraulic gradient and the head causing seepage
Knowing values of safe hydraulic gradient GE, maximum static head causing seepage flow H, and depth of d/s cut-off d value of 1/π√λ can be calculated. Using Khosla's curve for hydraulic gradient value of α(=b/d) for known value of 1/π√λ can be read.
Thus, total length of impervious floor can be calculated.
(ix) The thickness of impervious floor should be sufficient to withstand uplift pressures. From considerations of construction facility a minimum thickness of the floor ranging from 0.3 to 0.5 m is, however, considered essential.
(x) When the regulator is closed the water pressure on the u/s face acts on the piers. The piers should be strong enough to withstand this pressure.
(xi) On the piers from the considerations of economy as well as working facility a bridge should be provided to allow working space for operating gates and to allow passage of traffic.
(xii) Beyond the impervious floor on the u/s and d/s, c.c. block protection over stone pitching and inverted filter should be provided to prevent scouring of bed. It should be maintained by frequent repairs to its shape. The length of u/s and d/s protection may be taken equal to the depth of corresponding cut-offs which are supposed to reach bottom of the scour hole. A thickness of 1 m is considered sufficient m most cases for this flexible protection. Figure 19.7 shows a typical section of a distributary head regulator.
Design of Cross Regulator Using Khosla's Theory
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